What Is Debt Review?

Simply, Debt Review is a process of handing over your debt negotiations to a Debt Counsellor, a person who becomes your go-to person, who will compile your debts, look at your income, and with you, work out a payment plan on your instalments & interest options with creditors; and then your go-to Debt Counsellor negotiates on your behalf with all your creditors. Debt Review makes your debt affordable while protecting you from asset repossession, legal action and creditor harassment.


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Debt Review benefits for you:

  • One reduced affordable monthly instalment for all your debt
    • Reduced instalments with all creditors
    • Reduced interest rates with all creditors (where negotiated)
  • We deal with your creditors directly, so you don’t have to
    • Creditors may no longer harass you for payment
  • There is a structured repayment plan with an exit date as a goal
  • You will have enough money to pay your living expenses
  • Your assets will be protected against legal action
  • You end the process debt free and eligible for credit again
  • There are reduced credit life insurance premiums

If this sounds good to you, then you will be pleased with the ease of the process to achieve this!

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