Debt Installment Calculator Find out how much you can save on your debt installment every month Income Information Debt Information Results Company Monthly Income Nett Income Spouse Income Other Income Income Total Total Income: R Living Expenses (Not Already On Payslip) Groceries School Fees Policies Telephone cost (inc. Internet) Maintenance Rent Transport Cost Medical Insurance (Home and Vehicle) Cellphone Contingencies Other Living Expenses Total Total Expenses: R Credit Exposure Instalment = Amount you pay every month. Outstanding = The total amount you still have to pay Bond Bond (Instalment) Vehicle Vehicle (Instalment) Loans Loans (Instalment) Credit Cards Credit Cards (Instalment) Overdrafts Overdraft (Outstanding Balance) Clothing Accounts Clothing Accounts (Instalment) Furniture Furniture (Instalment) Other Other (Instalment) You are one step away. Where should we send your savings results? Fill in the quick form below Debt Status Total: R First Name * Last Name * Email * Are you currently in debt review? YES NO Contact Number (Optional but useful) Some times it's best to call you if we pick on anything important that you should know. ID Number (Optional) If you'd like a better and more accurate assessment, please provide us with your ID number and we'll email it to you. credit report consent I give you permission to check my credit report for a more accurate estimate (Optional) DISCLAIMER: Please note that the calculations given here are based entirely on the information you have provided. Your savings may differ when going under debt review as your credit providers may offer different payment amounts.