Below is a table showing how “John”, actual client but not his real name, was able to get his interest rates reduced by different creditors, with the help of Debt Review Centre.

Total Savings With Debt Review

Below is a breakdown of how much John owed and how much he paid back with debt review.

Amount Owed Debt Review Amount Owed Total Savings
R639,452.3 R 553,125.60 R 86,326.70

The Impact of Interest Rates on Debt Repayments

Creditor Contract Interest (%) Debt Review Interest (%)
Get Bucks 36 4.2
Woolworths 24.3 3.41
Capfin 36 0
Nedbank 15 2.77
Direct Axis 28 3.67

Hear How Debt Review Helped Leon

Most people who get trapped in a never-ending debt cycle do so partly because of interest rates. Interest rates are often misunderstood and their long-term consequences are not felt until it’s too late.

Which is why at Debt Review Centre, one of the first things we do to get people out of debt is look into their interest rates. We negotiate with creditors and are able to reduce interest rates to sometimes zero percent.

Negotiating interest rates is just one of many means available to us as practitioners to get over-indebted consumers out of debt. Other benefits of debt review include:

  • Reduced monthly debt repayments
  • Paying only one affordable monthly instalment
  • Clients are able to cover their monthly living expenses
  • Asset protection against repossession
  • Blacklist protection
  • All communications with creditors in one place (no more phone calls to consumer)

Please Note: Try our Free Online Debt Calculator for Instant Results to find out how much you could save every month with Debt Review.