What to do when Over-Indebted

What to do when Over-Indebted

When you find yourself in a situation where your debt has become unmanageable you have various options but choosing the option not favourable to your situation could have detrimental consequences. Here are three options to consider should you find yourself in...
Garnishing Orders

Garnishing Orders

It is imperative that you, the Consumer, be informed of their rights, when it comes to credit. This is important as some Credit Providers thrive on uninformed consumers and tend to use “Bullying” tactics when consumer falls behind on payments. The Consumer needs to...
Dangers Of Paying Debt With Debt

Dangers Of Paying Debt With Debt

With the economy as it stands at present, it is not uncommon to see consumers making the crucial mistake of taking on Personal Loans to cover their debt. This desperate decision will only provide a temporary relief from Creditor’s demands, as you will now have an...